Our Stories

With a will to do good, we’ve partnered public, private and non-profit organisations to bring social and community services to those in need, and co-create innovative solutions to uplift lives. Read and share our #ToteBoardStories from our partners and the people we serve, as we work together towards a better future for all.

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Healthy lives and well-being
14 Dec 2023
Finding Strength: Madam Dilla's Path to Independence

Facing your senior years alone can be tough. With help from the Tote Board Community Health Fund, seniors like Mdm Dilla receive support to age well and age-in-place in their golden years.


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Empowered communities
14 Dec 2023
From Challenge to Change: Cheryl's Empowering Story

Cheryl Tan found an understanding and supportive employer after a difficult job search. Watch to find out how persons with disabilities receive personalised support through the SPD Employment Support Programme funded by the Tote Board Social Service Fund.

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Empowered communities
15 Nov 2023
Enabling Hope for Veronica

Veronica's story highlights the transformative impact of the first Enabling Services Hub, offering community support for persons with disabilities and providing social, learning, recreational activities, and respite care for caregivers closer to their homes.

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Caring, cohesive and resilient society
10 Nov 2023
Deepavali delight: Cultural journey at Little India

Experience the sights at Little India as we delve into the traditions of Deepavali.

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Members of Tote Board Family
WOGAA Award - Best SEO 2023
WOGAA Award - Best Functionality 2023
WOGAA Award - Best Accessibility 2023