Our Stories

With a will to do good, we’ve partnered public, private and non-profit organisations to bring social and community services to those in need, and co-create innovative solutions to uplift lives. Read and share our #ToteBoardStories from our partners and the people we serve, as we work together towards a better future for all.

Healthy lives and well-being
14 Dec 2023

Finding Strength: Madam Dilla's Path to Independence


Adjusting to life's changes in later years can be daunting, but Madam Dilla's story is a beacon of hope. Watch how she overcame life changes with help from the TOUCH Reablement Programme, supported by the Tote Board Community Health Fund. Find out how this initiative empowers seniors like Madam Dilla to reclaim their autonomy and confidence through supportive measures like physiotherapy and coaching.

Members of Tote Board Family
WOGAA Award - Best SEO 2023
WOGAA Award - Best Functionality 2023
WOGAA Award - Best Accessibility 2023