Frequently Asked Questions

Grant Eligibility and Criteria Expand All
1. What are the eligibility criteria for receiving funding from Tote Board?

The eligibility criteria varies according to the grant type. Please visit our Grants page for the various available funding initiatives and the corresponding details.

2. Does my organisation need to have IPC status to be eligible for funding from Tote Board?

IPC status is currently not a mandatory eligibility criterion for Tote Board funding.

3. We are a registered society but not a charity. Are we eligible for the Enhanced Fundraising Programme (EFR)?

The objectives of the EFR are to catalyse charities' fundraising efforts and spur community giving. Hence, only non-profit organisations with active charity status are eligible for EFR.

4. If my organisation had already obtained Tote Board's funding for a project, will Tote Board consider my subsequent applications for funding for other projects in the same year?

Yes, Tote Board evaluates each application based on its merits.

5. Will Tote Board still fund an event which is already over?

Tote Board does not undertake retrospective funding for completed projects.

6. Can I as an individual apply for funding from Tote Board?

If you are a founder of a groundup, Tote Board supports the Community Volunteer Scheme and BAGUS Together initiative to empower groundup initiatives. The BAGUS Together website is also a first-stop hub for resources, learning and collaboration opportunities. 

If you are looking for sponsorship, donation or funding for your individual project, studies or personal endeavours, we regret that we do not provide scholarships, bursaries, stipends or general funding for individuals.

7. Does Tote Board fund local groundup community projects?

We do not fund groundup projects directly but we do collaborate with partner organisations to support and mobilise individuals and groundup groups to serve the community. For example:

  • The Community Volunteer Scheme with the People's Association (PA) encourages like-minded individuals and groups to collaborate and initiate ground-up initiatives, through flexible and informal volunteering opportunities or co-creation of cause-based projects. Under the scheme, volunteers can apply for grants of up to $1,000 to support the implementation of their community initiatives. 
  • Under the Tote Board Social Capital Initiative: SMU Inspiring Community Service Grant, Tote Board supports Singapore Management University undergraduates to develop community projects with social service agencies that will benefit vulnerable groups and other beneficiaries. The aim is for these immersive experiences to inspire community service among youths and encourage ground-up leadership in youth giving.
  • Tote Board supports the BAGUS Together initiative to empower groundup initiatives. Please visit the BAGUS Together website for resources, learning and collaboration opportunities.
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